All of featured Projects are here.

Project Thubmnail
MERN Stack
Book Finders
Project Description

MERN stack project with Redux-toolkit and Rtk-Query. Logged In User can see books, add books also update and delete own books, add to reading or wishlist, comment to review books. User can see all books, books details, comment, add to reading or wish-list. User can add, update or delete the books he/she added.

Technologies Used
#React Js#Redux-Toolkit#Rtk-Query#Node Js#Express Js#Mongo DB#TailwindCss
Project Thubmnail
MERN Stack
Melody Institute
Project Description

MERN stack project. User can see products, product details add to favourite list and Logged In user can add, update delete own product. User can see all classes and instructors. And logged in user can add class to cart if seat available. Can pay for a selected course after that he/she can see enrolled classes and payment history in dashboard. Admin can make someone instructor and, approve and reject instructor class with feedback. Instructor add a class, see all classes, see approved classes and see rejected classes with given feedback.

Technologies Used
#React Js#Node Js#Express Js#TanStack Query#Stripe#Firebase#Mongo DB#TailwindCss
Project Thubmnail
MERN Stack
Project Description

MERN stack project. Different role users can do many different things. Such as add to cart, enroll and payment, add class, update class, delete class, admin can approve and reject class with feedback. User can see all classes and all instructors. Available seats, enrolled students, price, rating, lessons etc. Logged In user can add a toy with necessary information, update a toy and delete the toy.

Technologies Used
#React Js#React Router Dom#Express Js#Firebase#Mongo DB#TailwindCss#React Toastify
Project Thubmnail
PC Builder BD
Project Description

This is a front-end application. Where any user can see all products. There is view details button for each product. Clicking on that button user can see all details of that product. In Home page there also a featured catagory section whree user can see all catagories products. User can see her favorite products selecting the product from the components route in navbar. User can build his/her own pc by selecting the components from clicking the pc builder button from navbar and for that user must be logged In. In the pc builder route user can select the required product and build his/her own pc.

Technologies Used
#Next Js#Next Auth#Redux-Toolkit#Rtk-Query#TailwindCss#Mongo DB
Project Thubmnail
MERN Stack
Dental Care
Project Description

This is a dentist website. Where any user can see all doctors, appointments, and their details. And user can book an appointment. User can see all appointments in the appointment route. Logged In user can get an appoinment on his/her selected date. If the same time anyone is already booked then user can't get an appoinment. User can see all the details of her appoinment in dashboard. Admin dashboard hanve some extra facilities like add doctors, manage doctors etc.

Technologies Used
#React Js#Swiper#React Router Dom#React Hook Form#React Firebase Hooks#TailwindCss#Firebase#Mongo DB
Project Thubmnail
Dreamers Jobs
Project Description

This is a front-end application. Where any user cand see featured jobs and see all jobs. There is view details button for each job. Clicking on that button user can see all details of that job. And user can apply for that job. User can see all applied jobs in the applied jobs route. There is basic chart in static route. And also there is a blog page where ansered some of questions

Technologies Used
#React Js#Recharts#sweetalert2#React Router Dom#Bootstrap#HeroIcons